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Written by Semmy Tan
Updated this week

This is a general introduction to Digital Waybill. We recommend scheduling a training call with our Digital Waybill support team.

The general workflow is to enter in your customers, enter in orders for those customers, dispatch the orders to your drivers, and invoice your customers.


  • Customers can be entered in manually through the Customers button on top.

  • Customers can also be allowed to register online if the setting for Allow Customer Web Account Creation is enabled under advanced settings. They can go to the online website specified under your courier settings for

Placing orders

  • Orders can be entered in from the New Order Entry button on the bottom left. This is generally used when customers reach out to you directly through phone or email.

  • Customers can place orders on their own once they have an account created.

    • They can go to your website alias to log in and place orders.

    • Customers can also download the Quick Entry software from that website if they enter in orders often and want a more convenient way to place orders.

    • Customers can also download the Quick Entry mobile app for Android and iOS. This allows them to place orders on-the-go.

  • Orders show up under the new orders section on the bottom. Click an order to view the details on the right. There are also additional buttons for actions available for each order.


Once orders have been delivered, they can be completed using the button on the bottom right corner. Orders can also be cancelled. These orders will show up under Completed Orders using the button on top. There are many different search criteria for searching through completed orders. Completed orders can also be cancelled or restored using the link on the right side.

Invoices can be run and printed for completed customer orders using the Invoices button on top. You can customize how the invoices look by going to invoice settings and changing the Invoice Style. You can also run reports for driver commissions. The sales and performance reports are for metrics.

If you use QuickBooks to bill your customers, Digital Waybill has built-in support for creating the invoices in QuickBooks.

Under Settings, the most important sections are the first two for Courier Information and Delivery Services. Service types have extra options that can be specified. Under Software Settings, the logo can be set, waybill styles customized, sound alerts customized, and dispatch messages can be edited. Additional Users are for adding remote panel users and mobile dispatchers if you have those features enabled on your billing plan. Recurring Orders are for scheduled orders that repeat at certain intervals. Under Advanced, the commonly used settings are 2-way picture on pickup or delivery if you use the 2-way app, dispatcher sorting to set a custom sort order for your drivers' orders, and required fields to require customers to fill in certain fields when placing orders. The rest of the advanced and additional settings are usually not changed unless there is something you need that isn't already provided by the default functionality.

Digital Waybill has a powerful pricing system that supports many different types of pricing structures. A separate call will need to be scheduled to go over your pricing and set it up in Digital Waybill.

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